Vice President Dick Cheney Visits Dayton

Thursday, August 12, 2004

and is greeted by Frank Sensel and Dick Hook...

Frank and Dick Listen to Cheney's Speech
Frank Sensel and Dick Hook (front row, left) listen to Cheney's Speech

Vice President Dick Cheney spoke to area veterans Thursday, August 12, at 10:00 at the Dayton Convention Center. Two Marinole Lake Association members, Frank Sensel and Dick Hook, were at the event and were seated on the podium directly behind the Vice President.

These guys must either be war heroes, big contributors, or old school chums of the VP. Or maybe the VP is just saying thank-you to Frank for the valuable transportation services he provided George W. Bush last May!

Dick is paying close attention...

Was it something Mr. Cheney said?
(or is it just my old TV...)

I hope Dick is using his macro lens...

Frank is loving it.

Shaking hands with the Vice President

[Webmaster's Note: You can see a 2-minute video of Mr. Cheney's speech provided by the Dayton Daily News. It contains action footage of Dick and Frank!

We now have photos of our members with the President and Vice President. Does anyone have an in with John Kerry or John Edwards (or even Ralph Nader!) so the other candidates can have equal time on our website?]