Kaitlin Lou Places at Scioto Downs

Sunday, July 3, 2005

Reported by Frank Sensel

Lake Marinole Goes to the Races
  John and Evan Valassiades, Karen and Frank Sensel, Dick and Marilyn Hook, and Dottie and Bill Eisenhauer

A group of Lake Marinole neighbors - see photo above - car-pooled with us for an afternoon of racing at Scioto Downs in Columbus, Ohio, on Sunday, July 3rd, 2005. Karen and I had a horse running in the Ohio Sires Stakes races. The horse, Kaitlin Lou, is named after our oldest granddaughter, Katie. In fact, Katie and her sister, Chelsea, also attended the races.

Over 100 horses raced at Scioto Downs today and Kaitlin Lou had the 2nd fastest time. Unfortunately, the horse that had the fastest time of the day was, you guessed it, in the same race!

This was Kaitlin Lou's very first official race and she finished a strong second against some more experienced horses. Several of us in the Marinole group were able to cash money-winning tickets after the race.

We had super seats in the air-conditioned clubhouse. All in all, it was a nice outing for us and our Marinole Lake neighbors. (And there were no flat tires this time!)