Lake Marinole Skating Party

January 2003

Panorama of Skating Area

On Saturday, January 25, 2003, members and guests of the Marinole Lake Association gathered at 6:00 pm on the lake for an ice skating party.


Two days earlier the Morlands and the Nichols had cleared several paths through the snow on the lake and verified that the ice was thick enough to skate safely. John Valassiades helped with the shovelling for the big event and everyone contributed to the overall success of the evening.



Wait a minute ... this isn't the driveway.



Party preparations for evening and then ...



The Sawyers (in new skates) were there



and the Nichols and Morlands came with goodies to share.



We smiled and skated...



(the wisdom we contemplated)



'til night began to appear,


and some of us decided it was time for a beer.



We sipped our hot cider and warmed by the fire



Never stopping to think that we might actually tire.



But we perservered into the night



and as the evening wore on we developed quite an appetite.



So when Evan and John thought it was time for a bite



we all filed in for something to eat.



Our muscles worn out and our tummies now full we thought
the evening had been a real treat!




A special thank you to Evan and John for hosting us.