Sparkle Plenty, Sledding, and Skating at Lake Marinole

January 2024

Panorama of Sledding on Back of Dam

In mid January 2024, the weather was very cold for over a week. "Sparkle Plenty," the holiday swan designed and created by the late Vic Greiman and maintained by current resident Bob Mitsch, was frozen in the ice. Below are some photos of Sparkle taken on the night of Tuesday, January 16.

Later that week, on Friday, January 19, 2024, after a week of very cold weather and a recent light snow, residents and friends gathered on the Marinole Lake dam for fun sledding and snowboarding. New resident and former hockey player Dan Trunk determined that the ice on the lake was thick enough for skating so there was also some skating on an area that was cleared off in back of the Savino's house.

Here are some photos of those activities taken by Verne Morland.